

At some point I have to post about Saturday night. Because it was quite epic. But for now all I will say is that I decided I'm going to row.


I feel like I never have time to blog. But I want to get a new post up. So here.
Going to my brother's frat tonight, SO excited. Wearing hot dresses.
Sad I couldn't go shopping.
Sort of disappointed with all the audition crap.
Crew interest meeting tomorrow with Mary, then discussing if we're going to row over dinner.
Scared to look at the last a cappella callback list.
Apparently there's an 80s party tonight, as Kristine is running around the hall telling us all to come.
So much fucking reading to do.
Loooove college.



I'm tired and it's late and I have class in the morning so I'll be brief. But basically, I love college. Everything about it. And I'm in love with UVA. I seriously have been walking around campus just smiling because everyone's happy and I love this place so much. But legit, 90% of the campus is insanely good looking. Girls and guys. But the boys are SO HOT. And I've just met so many amazing people that I would love to be friends with. God it's great.

Keepin' it short and sweet, but here are some things I've done:
  • most ballin' bloc party EVER
  • danced and made out with a random guy named Fabio (no joke)
  • partied with Adrianna & TJ crew boys
  • met hilarious southern boys on a drunken walk home
  • GirlTalk
  • deep chat with a friend from middle school (Jackie)
  • hilarious improv comedy show
  • moving diversity talk
  • got obsessed with a guy named Mitchell (I want him to be my gay friend)
  • just in general met the coolest people ever
so basically college owns. end of story.


I just feel the need to say.


Ever, you ask? Yes, ever. I shall be living in Reston when I return for breaks. Weird, huh?

I'm also never going to see my cat again after I leave tomorrow. Which is depressing so I'm not thinking about it.

Getting a pedicure with mi madre now, then finishing packing stuff into the car so we can leave at 6AM! UVA here I come :)


I'm so boring right now.

So I'm all caught up on Weeds. Now I don't know what to do with myself. But basically I hate stupid Esteban and want Nancy with Andy already. Good grief.

Oh so I went shopping last night and spent a bit of caaaash on some new college clothes. Got a plaid flannel shirt that sounds (and, okay, looks) very southern and hick-ish but I'm obsessed with it for some reason. I feel like I can pull it off without looking like a farmer. And I got a skirt, two pairs of shorts, and a top. Very successful :) And ate Chipotle again. And discussed college with Rachel.

Today Danny leaves for school, I don't know what time. He's just driving down, but most of his stuff is already there. So I'm just gonna be lazy again. Maybe clean off some furniture I'm taking to school, make a smoothie, watch Memento, exercise (doubtful).



Oh, and I love Andy Mientus.

Getting closer.

Oh hey, future home!

Trying to pack today. So far I have a room FULL of clothes and not much else. Considering I'm supposed to pack up my whole entire room (not just what I'm bringing to college) by Saturday morning, I'm getting a little worried.

Been watching so much Weeds. Almost caught up to the current episodes. It's really unfair how amazing Hunter looks in Season 4. Like, it's a problem. Oh, also check this out. Because, Hunter.

Haircut tomorrow. Just a few inches.



Is this real life?

C-ville was fun. Mom & D got back with the moving truck weirdly late, so we only left at like 1. But I bought an FM transmitter thing for my iPod so Mom & I listened to my tunes for two hours. We arrived at my brother's shithole of a frat house. It is seriously the nastiest house I've ever seen. It took like 5 hours to clean it up, and I'm pretty sure we all died of dust inhalation (and my mom of bleach inhalation from cleaning the mildew-y shower) BUT anyways I met two of my brother's frat brothers and they were nice, so that was reassuring. And now D's room looks super legit, thanks to the women in his life. Then we hit up my dorm (just to see where it was) and my mom's like "try your ID card" and I was in the middle of saying how stupid an idea that was when I swiped it and the door opened. AHA. Miracle. So we explored my home for the next year. I like it. The room's pretty small, but cute nonetheless. And our bathroom overlooks a cemetery. And Diana & my room is right across from the RA. Go figure. But her name is Emily and judging from the way she wrote her name on a little simba thing on her door, she seems sweet. I took some pics and shall post them tomorrow. After exploring we ate lunch at Little John's, AKA the best sandwich shop in the fucking world. Then my teeth were killing me so I took some more pain meds and passed out in the car on the way home. I thought I'd fall asleep at like 9 but it turns out I was in the mood for watching some Weeds. Hm. So I did that. Now I think I'm really gonna sleep.

Plan for tomorrow: lunch with the girls (Teabs, Kel, Dana, Hannah, Dana's Camp-with-a-Capital-C friend), then hanging out with Kel as much as possible. I cannot believe my best friend of 6 years is leaving for college tomorrow. Life is so weird right now.

ps. 5 more days in Burke/Ffx ever for me.


When my mom & D get back with the moving truck we're off to C-Ville to move D's stuff into the frat house. I'm dressed appropriately UVA in case there are students there already :) hah.

My mom got me this print for my dorm room:

and another one that's just one flower and is more blue-ish. I love them.



Got my wisdom teeth out. No swelling yet :) I ended up getting general anesthesia and all I remember is the room starting to get kinda blurry, then waking up an hour later. So cool. It's pretty painful though...

I'm feeling a little more awake today so I might try watching some tv/Weeds. I'll probably fall asleep though.

Just got a lot of college stuff at Target, so fun. I love getting toiletries and stuff. And I got a big blanket that I want to use now... ;)

Might go with my mom & D to Charlottesville tomorrow to move some of D's stuff into the frat house... Then hopefully Kings Dominion with D Tuesday or something, and dinner with Dana/Hannah/Teaba Thursday or something...

Life is so legit right now.

Missing Mere & Ceets already though... :(



Lyrics | Jason Robert Brown - Stars and the moon lyrics

Because I can't get over this song.

And also, I just learned that Ben Moss is not gay. = I am actually going to marry him. HUZZAH.


Being lazy today, "cleaning" my room (aka internet stalking like always), getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, then being lazy as long as I can milk the "I'm recovering" for...



Youtube stalking.

I encounter all kinds of people at The Bakery. For example, today I was hit on by an old man. He's in his sixties or seventies and I'm ringing him up for his danish and he looks at our mailing list (where you can leave your name and email address/phone number and we'll send you updates) and he says "So if I leave you my number, will you give me yours?" with a little wink. And I was almost creeped out. But he was old, so he could get away with it. Second weirdo- a woman comes in and looks around and then asks me if we have cinnamon rolls. So I tell her that we have two cinnamon danish left and I point to them. She responds "You do have that?" ... I couldn't even say anything, I just stared at her. "No, I just pointed to them and told you we had them but we don't have them. That makes sense." Sweet lord people are stupid.

Anyways it turns out it wasn't my last day. Or maybe it was. But the Kings Dominion trip we were planning for tomorrow isn't happening, so if they need me to work I might work one last day. Which would be fine with me because I like money and I would get to work with Rachel and she's fun to work with :) I don't know.

So I'm doing what I always do- obsessing over Broadway actors- and I came across a video that I'm absolutely obsessed with. Featuring one of my favorite people in the world, Andy Mientus. And for good measure, here's a video of my one true love Ben Moss singing OneRepublic's Come Home.

Okay the image uploader is being a bitch so this is it for now. Dinner tonight with Dana (Kel & Teabs too?). Off to exercise.



Tomorrow (technically today) is potentially my last day of work at the Bakery ever. Which is pretty momentous. And then hopefully I'll have time to fix this shit up. Going to pictures spam it up when I get a chance. Goodnight all.

ps. I hope I dream of Spring Awakening tonight, like I did last night.


So I'm new to this. We'll see how it goes. I shall of course glam it up a bit when I get the time. Unfortunately I have quite a bit going on at the moment. But seriously. I promise. More later.
